I, like all others, never thought of blogging. I do have a journal for Hadley about her big happenings, cute sayings, life events. But that is more personal for her to read one day and see how loved she is by her mother. Or maybe to pull out when she is a teenager when she shrieks, "you just don't love me!" as she is begging to do something we all know is only going to lead to trouble (and we know this because we all did it.) But as I have seen some friends join the blogging world and enjoy so much reading about their lives as I live far from them, I thought 'why not'. We all know as we get older, have kids, careers, etc, our lives sad but true become too busy to make phone calls, too busy to find time to write 5 emails, but still hold those dear in our hearts. And it seems blogging helps us all see into eachother's lives and still stay connected. So here I am..joining in the blog world!
10 years ago
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