Today was quite a day for me as a mom, and for my baby! Hadley went into the hospital this morning with all her body parts and left minus 2 tonsils and 2 adnoids. And the road to this was a long and sleepless one. Background: about a year ago Hadley who was usually a sound sleeper began waking throughout the night. And I mean waking every 2-3 hours! As time went on and this continued I tried every sleep method known to man, many phone calls to the doctor (even to one quack who suggested valium), and every homeopathic remedy and medical remedy out there. At Hadley's 4 yr check up her pediatrician said, "Mrs. Day, it's time to see a specialist." This specialist was in the saint of Dr. Gerber, ENT. After talking with Dr. Gerber and discussing her night arousals, snoring, mouth sleeping, and night "fits" he took and x-ray of her throat and said, "yes, her tonsils and adnoids are enlarged." Not wanting to jump into surgery I attempted one last medical intervention and when that failed called begging for the surgery. And it was a good thing I did. Today at 8:30am my world entered the pediatric surgery unit. After 40 minutes of stomach knots Dr. Gerber came out and said all went well. Her tonsils were filling 75% of her airway. I was floored, I couldn't image my poor baby had only been breathing with 25% of her airway, no wonder she couldn't sleep. Hadley was a saint, slept all day in recovery and then came home to cuddle and eat ice cream. All we can pray for now is a full night sleep, as both of us haven't had one in a year!
10 years ago
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