Saturday, June 28, 2008

It all comes back

Hadley loves to pick up on some of the things we say, and luckily I have learned to NOT say bad words in front of her..okay, to her "stupid" is a bad word! But she has learned to dish back to us what we say to her.

Example 1: When she is wanting to do something that well, isn't an option at that time I tell her, "Your options are you brush your teeth or I brush them." So she has learned to give this back, the other day as I am coming home from work tired with a headache and tell her mommy just wants to sit for a little bit she tells me, "Your options are we go to the park or ride our bike, okay?" All I could do was laugh and say, "Okay." And off we headed to the park, after she gave me some loves and kissed my head!

Example 2: Some mornings it is like pulling teeth to get Hadley out the door. And I have said, "Are you coming or not?" Well, Hadley has put a new spin to this. One day (and it has happened on many a days) me and Hadley were at the back door ready to leave and Jason was still on the computer (big surprise we were waiting for Jason!) and Hadley went over with her hand on her hip, hip cocked out and with a motion with her hand that is somewhat "valley girl" said, "Daddy, are you coming or not, because we are leaving."

I can only imagine what other things she will pick up from us!


Grandma said...

And just when you think they aren't listening!!!

Anonymous said...

We recognize the picture! That was in beautiful Evanston when Grandpa and Grandma Day got to have Hadley all to themselves and took her on an outing to this lovely park on Lake Michigan. Mommy and Daddy were working and we got to Hadley sit. She was great! That was just one fun day of many on our trip in June to Chicago. Thanks Jason and Stacie for your wonderful hospitality.
Grandpa and Grandma Day