I left my day working today thankful for the "problems" I have in my life. My last appointment for the day with with a 28yr old woman who has lived her whole life sick. She has congested heart failure, renal failure, and is almost completely blind. Here she is with high spirits and seeking Hospice as she is tired of being hooked to the dialysis machine. She is taking her fate into her own hands.
This has been the way it has been in my last couple of weeks. I have recently had an 18yr old who a congenital birth defect, several younger men/women with children as young as 7yrs old, and then this amazing man whose wife was holding on til the last minute pass away right in front of me....all of this makes me realize, I am thankful for my "problems". I guess it just puts things in perspective, and sometimes in life we need that.
10 years ago
Amazing that you write that. That's the way I feel working in community mental health. Whatever problems we have are minimal by comparison with some of the patients and clients we care for. I admire the work you do.
You have a gift of caring for others that is so admired by the lives of those you touch. I have seen first hand the caregiver you become for those in need and have watched you take your entire family by the hand and lead us through tremendous sadness and into the most amazing peace and contentment while watching our loved one move on to a better life. I am very proud to be the mother of such a wonderful, caring and loving person. God Bless You Always.
I think its a blessing to have these kinds of situations/realizations every once in awhile - brings our own lives back into perspective and reminds us just how lucky we really are.
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