We went to see Disney's World on Ice show today. We love the Disney Ice Shows, they are always amazing!! I was able to get tickets right when they went on sale so we had great seats! Hadley loved every bit of it. She loved the Disney characters and also the ice skating, she would always comment on some of the moves the ice skaters were doing. Before the show they had a 'showing' of the Princess dresses and some of the princess were there. And of course there were the souvenirs..we always end up spending more than you plan, but then they also ask so much for a single item!! Overall, it was a great event! Anybody who hasn't gone to one needs to!
10 years ago
Stacie, we go every year. I've already got my tickets for April. Glad to hear the wonderful review. I'm really looking forward to it now!
One of those times when you get to realize the excitement of living in one of America's great cities. Looks like it was fun for all!
Dad and Karen
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