Now, I thought this would be something I would do years from now when Hadley and an accomplish (sibling, cousin, or friend) were being too rough while playing in another room...NOT with my 4 yr old dtr and 30yr old husband!
Hadley and Jason like to wrestle on the bed..making a huge mess along the way!!
(Hadley crying in another room...meets me in the hallway)
Me: Hadley, what's wrong?
Hadley: Daddy did it..(crys) he hurt my leg..(sobs)he almost pulled it out of the socket (crys and sobs)
(I carry Hadley to the bedroom where Jason is laying on bed)
Jason: I don't know what hurt her, we were playing!
Me: Listen you two, that is it, no more rough play and wrestling on the bed. Someone, mainly Hadley is going to end up really hurt one day. So I am putting my foot down..NO MORE WRESTLING ON THE BED! Do you both hear me??
I felt like me mom must have all those times I was playing with my brother or cousins and one of us always got hurt (mainly me as I was the youngest!)
10 years ago
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