At Ballet yesterday I had a chance to catch up with all the moms I chat with while our kids are in class..stories of what have you done this summer, what classes are all the kids in this fall, what pre-schools..etc. One thing I realized is how plans will change once Hadley is in school. Most of the kids in Hadley's class have older brothers and when it came to what vacations did everyone take this summer..well, everyone piled their trips into the last 2-3 have waited until fall. We have the OH SO anticipated Disney Trip in 8DAYS and a trip planned to see Jason's parents in North Carolina in November. Now we can do this as Hadley is in preschool and missing a few days or a week isn't too big a deal. But I realized this weekend (which my mom has been saying to me) once Hadley is in school next year ( year!) all our Fall/Spring vacations will come to a halt and we will schedule all around the school year!!
10 years ago
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