Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm A Big Girl Now

This is what Hadley has been feeling the last few days! We finally broke down and got her a big girl bike!! I know, she has been ready for a while, and again she is one of the last kids I know to get one, same with the it obvious I am not ready for her to grow up!!

So..after riding on her friend Alex's at the 4th bash, I realized she really is ready!! So Sunday we ventured to our favorite place: TARGET!! We got the greatest Princess bike, believe it or not a 16" (she is so tall) and a great princess helmet! She looks so cute and so big..definately not my little girl anymore!
She was so excited! At first she would push back on the peddles and it would break..but after a while she got the hang of it. We rode it to the park last night and again tonight..and she is now riding it very good!! She is even using the handle break! And she even instructed me that I need to get a bike and would show me how to ride. "See, Mommy, you push down like this..."
Here are some will be coming soon!!


Grandma said...

Do I see racing in her future? She looks all decked out and ready for action! What happened to our baby?