We spent the evening at American Girl. We took Hadley there for her birthday, it was her gift from us. We went early and shopped around, Hadley was told she was going to get a doll so she had been looking online and had it narrowed down to two dolls, the new doll Gwen and a Just Like You Doll. Once we got there we spent about 40 minutes walking around and she decided she wanted the Just Like You Doll.
We picked her out, got her pj's, I snuck in a matching outfit for her and the doll for Hadley to open on her actual birthday, Hadley picked out a carrying bag and then we headed up to the cafe for dinner..
The cafe was so cute! Hadley's doll sat next to her. We had appetizer, dinner, dessert, they even sang Happy Birthday to her! It was great!!
Then half way through dinner..."Mommy, I think I want Gwen." SO...after dinner we spent another 30 minutes in the store going over the two dolls and making sure she made her choice...and we came home..with Gwen!!!
Total..we spent almost 3 hours in the store..but we had a great time, even Daddy! We do know we started an expensive habit, but it was so amazing to see Hadley's face light up at getting the Gwen. She came right home, got her pj's on her and put her to bed in the doll bed. She is so excited about it. She told me she has never had a princess before! I can see many shopping trips to American Girl!! But it was a great birthday!
10 years ago
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